Im not sure who i am

GODS CHILD @TimeBender

Age 32


Fort Worth, Texas

Joined on 11/19/04

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TimeBender's News

Posted by TimeBender - January 22nd, 2011

why the fuck am i being denied access to my own files?

do you suck that much skydrive?

Posted by TimeBender - January 20th, 2011

I noticed that I usually wake up around 9pm ish no early really, sometimes later but not by much. This is an issue obviously, but it goes indepth further that I usually sleep around 4am sometimes though if i dont do this ill sleep the next day. So thats 91011121234 seven hours to stay awake. Imagine the only time your awake is around 80% of the time you spend at school during one day. Pretty lame.

Related. I used something called rainymood or something. Its just rain sounds its pretty cool. The devs tipped and said play your music over/under it. Now that was awesome, ill do an album one day with rain within every song. I'll be a prominent thing. I want to at least.

edit: added that it was 9pm not just 9 which could mean 9am

Posted by TimeBender - January 18th, 2011

i've recreated it

Posted by TimeBender - January 18th, 2011

His best song is "We Want Love" and his other would be "Grey Matters"

This can not be disputed.

Posted by TimeBender - January 18th, 2011

new blog. this one will be more...well just better. heres a sample.

yourprostitute | the site |

[below is a sample of the blog]

...."Prostitute" is the name of my favorite song within my emotions, with "We Want Love" by Monkeybullman. It (Prostitute) was written by Axl Rose with his band 'Guns N' Roses' I interpertate it as a song about being sad within your soul and loving a woman who burns it. I think Axl Rose would understand me if he met me, although most people easily do. This site is stupid and doesnt understand the 'enter' command

Here's something I finished today it's called

Hip Hop, Hip Hop, Hip Hop, Hip Hop, yeah

The first verse is called "Sample a lawyer"...

Posted by TimeBender - January 18th, 2011

It's mostly likely the design of the site but the music there is so much better.

as in the design appeals to more intellectual musicians, and somehow makes them put so much free stuff up. NG, take a note.

Posted by TimeBender - January 14th, 2011

I was... I am listening to "Arafu" by KingBastard on his site. I can't actually decipher his lyrics but for a moment i thought he had said "you treat life like a race, and if there is no cake, you begin with the lie" and i thought "thats the most beautiful abstract tribute to anything ever" and it in this case being "Portal". Its just interesting because im always going through something hard and i write lyrics in my mind - i always want to reference a videogame because i know very well videogames are art, obviously the most complex form of art there is. A true achievement that didnt have to happen. But, I'd always hate myself a bit when i write VG referecing lyrics in a serious manner because how we havent made that achievement to wide social understand that videogames are art, and are a love to love(you really cant call art a thing). Anyways, I feel like i understand a bit more know how it can be a beautiful thing, even if its not the actual lyric of the song.

Posted by TimeBender - January 11th, 2011

hey got my keyboardback. going to respond to some pm's. but before i do that i wanna talk about waking up today. well i remember some of it because it was a false awakening i woke up once, absolutely sure i was in the real world. somewhat odd that the thought popped in my head, so i just layed in bed and eventually i woke up again, time passed this happened again, a bit struck at the order of things this time although sure i was actually awake i figured id get up but i couldnt move, then i woke up again, so this time i tried to turn on my xbox hoping that i could turn the sound up loud enough to wake myself up didnt work and i woke up again, the fact that the music was still playing was an indicator that i was still "asleep", so i tried to get up but i couldnt move then i felt a weird hand on my back then another not to far away from the other then i realized the area being touched was too small for it to be actual hands then i woke up again. i felt the same, but it was a bit odd. so i check my xbox it was off. then i checked the internet it was normal.

hate that shit. i always wondered what that weird shit that always happens to me is. i was much more shocked at the time of all this then i described.

Posted by TimeBender - January 5th, 2011

I really wish I still had my Weesky CD.

Posted by TimeBender - December 26th, 2010

forgot what i was going to say....

... wow actually you know when you forget something and you remember it later but you dont feel like you remember it? well thats how i feel now. it doesnt matter it was just going to be short and sort of a preview to a much larger post im going to make later. so youll see it later. later g.

- lia sun