I was... I am listening to "Arafu" by KingBastard on his site. I can't actually decipher his lyrics but for a moment i thought he had said "you treat life like a race, and if there is no cake, you begin with the lie" and i thought "thats the most beautiful abstract tribute to anything ever" and it in this case being "Portal". Its just interesting because im always going through something hard and i write lyrics in my mind - i always want to reference a videogame because i know very well videogames are art, obviously the most complex form of art there is. A true achievement that didnt have to happen. But, I'd always hate myself a bit when i write VG referecing lyrics in a serious manner because how we havent made that achievement to wide social understand that videogames are art, and are a love to love(you really cant call art a thing). Anyways, I feel like i understand a bit more know how it can be a beautiful thing, even if its not the actual lyric of the song.