Im not sure who i am

GODS CHILD @TimeBender

Age 32


Fort Worth, Texas

Joined on 11/19/04

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1. Steal underpants
2. ????
3. PROFIT!!!

2. Cure aids

"As for ideas and imagery, I can't think of anything that 'Crank That" relates to other than sexism and a lousy dance. (Are we still talking about SB? You kinda lost me there.)"

There is meaning behind that song, despite as silly (and shitty) as it may be. It's a college fad for one. a Lousy dance, but very fun to party with. It's just a simple song that will go good with the common mind. the meaning behind the whole song really is just to have fun! music should be fun!

I think there's meaning behind every form of sound, just not everyone can interpret it. No one track will be able to provide meaning for everyone. Would you consider birds chirping music? Humans might not...but there's probably a meaning to the birds. Would you consider machines churning music? The machines cannot because they are not life, and average bystander might just consider it just noise in the background, but this noise may serve as enjoyment to the factory work. (I personally love the evil buzzing of the fan when I'm bailing boxes at my job in the backroom, and the peaceful rhythmic noise of the fan with the air conditioner in my room helps me sleep at night)

All sound (or lack of) can be written down rhytmically, melodically, and dynamically. In some cultures like Indian music (I believe it is), they dont even write down their music at all!


I can hear the melody in the Slap that ho crank that ho whatever its called. Its simple, concise, and coherrent.

You dont need to have chords to have a song.

the drums are quite coherent and simple too.

yeah, hes not rapping at all lol.

i indeed LOATHE people who use music only for the sake of popularity and fame. but to be fair, soulja boy wasnt tryin to take that path. he just played his cards right at the right time.

as far as simplicity, using presets and minimal effort is not a bad thing in itself. it'll appeal to the common mind. to an experienced FL user, it'll piss them off. as far as effort goes, you can spend a year on a song it can suck, you can spend a few hours and pump millions out and they will rock (Zenon). i appreciate people taking the effort to be complex, but i would rather listen to something with an idea that I can understand and roll with, as long as you personalize your shit its all good with me. I could spend years on a project, detune my guitars, play compeltely unrhytmically, say its all some type of "complex math equation" that noone understands...i definetly wouldnt put that shit on my ipod. my point being, effort/technicalities/complexities wont always equate in good music. im sure theres songs that you enjoy that have are simple. once you focus more on the intricacies and that only, music becomes more of a science, a mathematic, something with a quantiative quality rather than a subjective, intrepretive art. the way so many people interpret beauty differently makes the world a refreshingly diverse place.

also, he does have an account on newgrounds. He was an animator before he got big in the music scene. <a href="http://www.soulja-boy.newgrounds.com">www.soulja-boy.newgrounds.com</a> (if you happen to redirect to my account, the soulja boy in my avatar is just a joke, nothing more)

i think ive rambled on enough...

i really enjoyed your word usage by the way TC315! I gave myself a pat on the back when I new the word discombobulated, but I'm going to have too look up what erudite and esoteric mean! i think i shall use those words frequently in the future. yay for semi-big words! :)

(btw swirl we should collab sometime. i think you can figure out who i am)

We're defiantly on the same level here. I don't even think there's much I can say that hasn't been said. but I will say.

We as artist should keep this in mind when we create and publicize our work. The more 'sparse' the song the more you're leaving for interpretation. Ambiant music is a example of this. Not everyone is so willing to interpertate, infact to really appreciate ambient music you have to be in somewhat of a meditative state.

On Newgrounds.com. The chances are that anyone clicking on a link to your page is a 13-17 year old male (the audience gets older with the material) with the mindstate that he's going to play some games or watch a funny flash video and he just happened to stumble to your page but clicking random links. If you're lucky its an audio forum regular.

If you do ambient music, even audio regular aren't always so open minded chances are he'll listen for a few seconds. wait for the crazy drum intro, distorted guitar, and crazy synths. instead he's just going to hear "random crap looped for 7 minutes" keep in mind who you're trying to please if you want to be known, and you do. or you wouldn't be on newgrounds, right?

Sorry if if i havent written so well today. We will collab :] I'll send you a pm

Dang everyone is writing some long ass comments. I bet it's quality stuff too. Too bad I'm too lazy to read it all though hahaha

you should. you'll learn like 54354534 things

Dang. That's like 50 level ups

or 60 if you use the metric system

Or 150 if you can't count

actually, if you count using your penis its one